My name is Alan Berkson and I’m a cloud-aholic. I Dropboxed my SkyDrive and CRM’ed my Evernote into my Google Apps mailbox. I’m a victim of cloud sprawl. Are you with me on this one? I am experiencing cloud application overload.…
Category: Technology
Many years (decades?) ago, my father said to me: The world is going to end, not with a bang, but because no one will know how to fix anything anymore. I’m not going to to talk about the disposable society…
Technology makes life easier. And more often we are less aware of what we are giving away for that ease. Beyond the privacy concerns of the big social platforms, businesses are struggling with the confluence of pervasive communications, Big Data, consumerization of IT, privacy…
Large enterprises have wrestled with massive amounts of data for a long time. As technology migrates out of the IT department and into the boardroom for many businesses, it’s creating complications and confusion in many areas. There is a rush…
This post is part of my new series for the IBM for Midsize Business program, which provides midsize businesses with the tools, expertise and solutions they need to become engines of a smarter planet. Full posts will appear on the…
It’s a coming out party for data. We are recording data at historically unprecedented rates. Have you noticed you keep getting bigger storage devices and somehow continue to fill them up? You’re not alone. Not Your Grandparents Data For a long time…
All submissions were provided to me on paper, either typed or handwritten and had to be typed (no email or flash drives; not even floppies).
A recent announcement about the debut of RIM’s iPad Challenger made me think about just how much RIM is falling behind with their mobile devices and whether they are even focusing on the right business. Are they a device company or are they a mobile infrastructure company?
Just got this email from Verizon. My first reaction was why were they updating MY password? My second reaction was, how forward thinking to proactively address security issues.
When will sales and marketing departments realize that webinars can be so much more than Powerpoint presentations? It’s not about the technology anymore. The technology is out there and the audience is sophisticated enough to use it.