When I talk to senior management in companies, whether it’s marketing, PR or customer service, I like to ask about how they’re integrating social within their organization. I get a common refrain. There’s always a pause, followed by an explanation as…
Category: Customer Service
A heartfelt “thank you” to all of you for your friendship, collaboration and patronage. 2013 was an exciting year for Intelligist Group and I owe a great deal of it to the incredible people with whom I connect on a…
Apple’s got a lead. It’s not technology. It’s not design. It’s customer service and customer experience. The battle for dominance in the smartphone market and the consumer “computing” device — including laptops, tablets and everything in between — is being fought…
A tale of two restaurants. I was chatting with my brother recently and he related two customer service stories that made me think about the relationship between price and value. And that low cost doesn’t mean low value or poor…
Customer service is one of the core elements that help shape a customer’s pre and post-sale experience – here’s a personal example of embedded customer service in action.
What could you learn if you sat down with your toughest critics, your mind open and your mouth shut?
So we have a challenging dichotomy: there’s a fear in social media that we’re giving too much away, but content seems to be the currency. I wrote a blog a while back called The Age of Thought Leadership in which I discuss the concept of knowledge abundance vs, knowledge scarcity. Which side are you on? Does it matter?
So, not only had Aeropostale customer service been curt and unapologetic, they were wrong!
Just got this email from Verizon. My first reaction was why were they updating MY password? My second reaction was, how forward thinking to proactively address security issues.
One of the principles of the Intelligist Group is the concept of Undiscovered Assets. During the weekly #custserv chat on Twitter hosted this Tuesday by Jeffrey Kingman and Marsha Collier I noticed a heated thread on getting feedback from customers. Here’s…