What could you learn if you sat down with your toughest critics, your mind open and your mouth shut?
Author: Alan Berkson
One of the biggest challenges in selling professional services is dealing with buyers’ preconceptions of who is best qualified to help them. It seems most buyers want to find something more than someone who has done it before. They want…
So we have a challenging dichotomy: there’s a fear in social media that we’re giving too much away, but content seems to be the currency. I wrote a blog a while back called The Age of Thought Leadership in which I discuss the concept of knowledge abundance vs, knowledge scarcity. Which side are you on? Does it matter?
All entities have a purpose—a reason to exist. To better understand and manage “things” we define them and classify them. It could be a job description, a contract or even a country. I remember as a kid working with my…
A doctor and a lawyer were talking at a party. Their conversation was constantly interrupted by people describing their ailments and asking the doctor for free medical advice. After an hour of this, the exasperated doctor asked the lawyer, “What…
A while back I wrote a blog called The Age of Thought Leadership. Sometimes, to define something, it helps to define what it is NOT, so I thought I’d have a little fun. I hope you take it in the spirit in which is was intended.
When I talk to my clients about blogging the first question I get is “who’s going to read it?” It’s a reasonable question and a reasonable concern. It’s just the wrong question.
He exerts tremendous influence over the purchasing decisions of his social circle, yet he is invisible to all the machinations of corporate marketing. He is an Invisible Thought Leader.
All submissions were provided to me on paper, either typed or handwritten and had to be typed (no email or flash drives; not even floppies).
A recent announcement about the debut of RIM’s iPad Challenger made me think about just how much RIM is falling behind with their mobile devices and whether they are even focusing on the right business. Are they a device company or are they a mobile infrastructure company?