So, not only had Aeropostale customer service been curt and unapologetic, they were wrong!
Author: Alan Berkson
Whether you’re an employee or employer, business or entrepreneur, understanding influence is a critical success factor in the 21st Century.
And that’s when it struck me. Here, truly, was the demise of print media.
Thought leadership. Personal branding. Buzz words in social media. But there’s meat on these bones. I’ve had so many conversations in the past few weeks surrounding the the value of social media that I figured I better write it down.…
Yes, social media can be hazardous to our professional lives. Like any powerful tool, it must be used wisely. But the upside is tremendous.
Babe Ruth struck out 1,330 times, but he also hit a lot of home runs! If your sales people are not striking out, they’re probably only going after the “sure things” (aka the low hanging fruit).
You can’t buy a Twitter follower list. You have to earn it.
Just got this email from Verizon. My first reaction was why were they updating MY password? My second reaction was, how forward thinking to proactively address security issues.
When will sales and marketing departments realize that webinars can be so much more than Powerpoint presentations? It’s not about the technology anymore. The technology is out there and the audience is sophisticated enough to use it.
One of the principles of the Intelligist Group is the concept of Undiscovered Assets. During the weekly #custserv chat on Twitter hosted this Tuesday by Jeffrey Kingman and Marsha Collier I noticed a heated thread on getting feedback from customers. Here’s…